Author Archive for Robin

New Year – Make Nutrition Part of the Program

Nutrition is an important part of any diet and exercise program. Your personal trainer will be able to help you with…

Do you know the five components of physical fitness? Includes:

  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Muscular strength
  • Muscular endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body composition (your fat to muscle ratio).

Preparation is Key

Preparation is important to staying on track.

If you know that you will have a session with your trainer first thing in…

Posted by Befit40

Time to get out and Enjoy the Outdoors

Although I work out year round and work with my clients year round, it is easy to get in the mode of staying inside and not stepping outside unless you HAVE to. Take some time to get outside and enjoy fresh air and MOVE.

Recent ongoing studies highlight the importance of movement. Sitting has become an issue for many who sit for work, relaxation and travel (logging lots of time on the road or air).passenger-travel

Take a break often from sitting – stand up and do some stretches or take a short walk when possible. Especially as we age, we tend to take smaller steps and lean forward to have a better view of where we are stepping. Unfortunately, when you make these subtle changes, you may actually be complicating your health and balance. I’m picturing the character that Tim Conway created that took extremely small shuffling steps and a slumped posture. This is a style of walking that you should avoid as long as possible.

If you are physically able, keep your shoulders back and head as close to centered over your torso and back to create a straight posture (imagine how your head, shoulders (upper back), and hips would line up if you were standing with your back to the wall. When you step, take a good stride not little bitty steps. This will not only help you look more confident, but you will likely feel more confident and energetic too.

Special New Year Package

weights build muscle

January Kick Start

If you want to increase your fitness in 2015 and you want accountability, motivation, a knowledgeable personal trainer, and workouts that are at your home or clubhouse – BeFit 40 may be the answer!

Our January Special:
Package of 10 workouts and get 1 FREE.

Call 303 995-9632  – Order by Feb. 1.
Use your package to feel better.

Better yet, grab a friend and workout together!

Why BeFit40?

If you would like to workout at your home, office or your condo clubhouse exercise room – Richard is Mobile and will come to you! Areas served include Parker, Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock.

Don’t have a bunch of exercise equipment? That’s okay. Richard provides equipment – and you can use some everyday items too. Just say yes and get 11 sessions for the price of 10!